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Say No to Cracks

with Premier Construction Products Group

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Tackle The Tightest Shrinkage Specifications

with Premier Construction Products Group

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Imagine the Possibilities

if concrete didn't shrink

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Reduce Concrete Shrinkage Cracking

by up to 90 percent with PREVent-C®.

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Prevent shrinkage curling

Slabs on grade can present challenges with shrinkage, but often it is curling caused by shrinkage that presents the biggest challenge.

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Concrete Shrinkage Reduction

Ready Mix Concrete - Shotcrete - Packaged

Concrete is known to be prone to cracking, especially due to drying and autogeneous shrinkage, leading to costly construction mitigation efforts and repairs of slabs and structures. However, our innovative magnesia-based technology, when used as an additive to concrete, has shown up to 90% shrinkage crack reduction across many applications. Its shrinkage reduction properties help to prevent cracking or curling, therefore minimizing water and salt infiltration, reducing required maintenance and repairs, and improving overall concrete durability.

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