Acid Waste Neutralization

AQUAMAG® and MAGOX® are two of the most effective reagents available for the neutralization of acid waste streams such as hydrochloric acid (HCl) and sulfuric acid (H2SO4) in a variety of applications. Because of their high alkalinity, much lower volumes of product is needed over more traditional reagents to achieve the same neutralization results.  For example, dosage rates can be reduced by as much as 30%-100% when converting from traditional lime or caustic soda to Premier’s magnesia-based chemistries. 

Consult the charts below for neutralization capacity comparisons. 

Sulfuric Acid (H2SO4) Neutralization

Amount of alkali needed to neutralize one ton of H2SO4 and the resultant amount of salt formed:

 Neutralizing Agent  Lbs. Required To Neutralize One Ton H2SO4 Ratio to Mg(OH)2 Total Dissolved Solids in Effluent (100% Basis)
Per Ton of Acid
MAGOX® MgO 8220.692460
Hydrated Lime Ca(OH)215101.273510
Caustic Soda NaOH  16301.372900
Soda Ash Na2CO3 21601.822900
Caustic PotashKOH22901.923550

Hydrochloric Acid (HCl) Neutralization

Amount of alkali needed to neutralize one ton of HCL and the resultant amount of salt formed:

 Neutralizing Agent  Lbs. Required To Neutralize One Ton HClRatio to Mg(OH)2 Total Dissolved Solids in Effluent (100% Basis)
Per Ton of Acid
MAGOX® MgO 11000.692610
Hydrated Lime Ca(OH)220271.273040
Caustic Soda NaOH  21901.373210
Soda Ash Na2CO3 29001.823210
Caustic PotashKOH30701.924080

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