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Join the Resource Recovery Revolution


MgBalance™ is a comprehensive treatment program capable of delivering large scale cost savings in the complex field of nutrient recovery and reuse.

This custom tailored process system technology can be integrated without costly capital improvements, and is designed to obtain the highest quality outcome, while utilizing existing infrastructure. In addition, MgBalance can result in new or improved revenue generation, depending upon a number of factors. 

The focus is on balancing biosolids processing and potential reuse, and vastly improving nutrient treatment – delivering substantial cost savings in the transport, reuse, and/or disposal of final biosolids.

Contact us today to see if MgBalance is right for your utility.


The MgBalance program improves the collection system or sludge digestion process and help with the digestion and dewatering processes at the wasterwater treatment plant. 

  • Increases pH and buffering alkalinity

  • Stabilizes and enhances volitile acid and methane digestion

  • Higher digester gas quantity and quality

  • Increased digester load capacity

  • Lower solids disposal costs


Leveraging THIOGUARD® as part of the MgWater™ solution for plants and collection systems means the MgBalance program is the only odor control strategy that can have positive influence on a biological nutrient removal (BNR) process.

  • Increase pH and buffering alkalinity

  • Nutrient enhancement of phosphorus uptake

  • Reduced total phosphorus and nitrogen balance

  • Improve phosphorus wasting or recovery

Your Strategic Partner, From Source to Treatment to Discharge

Utilizing a thorough, efficient, On-site Process Review, MgWater will establish a baseline and develop a plan for delivering the highest benefit to your bottom line. The MgBalance program incorporates extensive dialogue with operators, in-depth data collection, on-site testing and comprehensive in-depth analysis. To ensure optimal results,  quarterly efficiency testing is conducted to quantify ROI and calculate direct cost savings over time. The MgBalance program is designed to deliver exactly the information required to evaluate existing processes and achieve continuous operational and fiscal improvement.

Cutting Edge Technology with MgOPS

The MgBalance program utilizes MgOPS, a cloud-based data collection system, allowing access from any location, with the ability to add concurrent users (multiple users accessing at once), including a MgWater technology specialist. MgOPS is a central hub for data collection, equipment selection, placement, management and maintenance and servicing of instrumentation from multiple sites, with multiple data sources at each site. It offers dashboards for plant data management and process management, allowing resource optimization, with visibility to all sites from one primary dashboard highlighting all potential Key Performance lndicators (KPIs). The MgOPS System links everything, seamlessly, through our Smart Panels located at each site, encompassing all data on a secure, user-friendly cloud-based platform.